
Cultivating Spiritual Awareness

Becoming spiritually aware has the potential to improve your entire world because how you relate to yourself affects everyone and everything else.

My goal as a Shamanic Practitioner is to support your healing by reconnecting you with your deeper self to regain the powerful harmony found in nature. I will guide you on your inward journey to learn your true nature and reconnect with the balance and beauty of the natural world.

Are you feeling...

  • • Detached from others – perhaps even yourself?
  • • Overwhelmed or even lost in the busyness of doing for others?
  • • Ungrounded... without a solid footing about your life and future?
  • • Empty inside... a hollowness that you can’t seem to fill with ordinary things?

  • Would you like to feel...

  • • Connected, supported, even guided in your daily life through Shamanic practices?
  • • Empowered by your greater self-awareness and how your thoughts create your world?
  • • Informed about the spiritual world and how it coincides with nature’s balance and beauty?

  • If so, I invite you to join my 5-week program, Cultivating Spiritual Awareness. You will gain the knowledge and skills to find your own way to a higher realm and your own healing, and to recognize and/or regain your innate balance and beauty. The series will start you off on your Shamanic journeying with the basics of how to connect with your spiritual realm and the subsequent sessions adding to your Shamanic ‘toolkit.’

What's in the Program

Shamanic journeying is an ancient healing tradition that involves connecting and receiving spiritual guidance from angels, spiritual guides, ancestors, elders, power animals and others in that higher realm. The practice focuses on making spiritual connections to heal your mind, body and spirit and takes you to a different level of consciousness to cultivate help from higher sources for your personal healing.

You will be clearer about what you want and need to do because of the knowledge and wisdom you receive during the journeying process.

1. Introduction to Shamanism

Shamanism is one of humanity’s original spiritual practices. You will learn the purpose of Shamanism and how to use it in your every day life. I will guide you on your first journey to connect with the Sacred Tree of Knowledge to call on your spirit guide. We all have guides who want to give us insightful guidance, encouragement and even inspiration.

2. Retrieving your Power Animal

When you call upon your power animal in the Spirit World, you are asking for the strength of that species. Understanding the Animal Kingdom in a spiritual way will help you to heal by recognizing the health and happiness gained by returning to the balance and beauty that exists naturally among other species. The power lies in the understanding of your role in the universe and honouring every living thing as a teacher for your own greater wisdom. Your power animal is a particular species whose essence you will recognize as an important indicator of your own characteristics, including your strengths. The species becomes your teacher in numerous ways.

3. The Sacredness of Ceremony

Ceremony enables you to lift the veil between worlds and give you the freedom to step into another dimension, where you nurture your relationship with your compassionate spirit guides and power animals, where you seek answers and learn to connect with the essence of who you truly are, where you experience healing and peace, and the potential to create a world filled with balance, harmony and connection.

4. Returning to Innocence

We are shaped by our childhood experiences, whether they were happy or challenging. We all have emotional wounds of varying degrees with having even the best of parents, relatives and friends hurting our feelings, either on purpose or by accident. This journey focuses on healing the wounded child inside you. When children experience their first trauma, they will retreat to a safe place to protect themselves. They will surround themselves with layers of protection that get thicker as they continue to shield themselves from further pain. Think of it as an onion, and to evoke any healing and nurturing of that wounded aspect of yourself, you need to remove the layers one by one, and find the most authentic expression of who you were born to be. During the journey, you will interact as a healthy adult comforting and nurturing a frightened child, all under the watchful eye of your spirit guide or power animal. When you have reconnected and regained the trust of your inner child, they can become your best friend and trusted guide.

5. Release and Surrender

During this special ceremony you will set an intention to release anything that no longer serves you, and surrender to everything you can be. It is also a celebration expressing gratitude for your gained awareness, knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the spiritual realm, and using all of this for your continued healing and happiness.

By the end of the program you will know how to...

  • • Enter altered states of consciousness that connect you with the spiritual realm.
  • • Journey to the upper and lower worlds that spiritually coincide with our conscious existence.
  • • Meet and establish a connection with your spirit guide and your power animal.
  • • Receive healing guidance from spiritual sources.
  • • Apply your new sacred knowledge to your life.
  • • Nourish your soul in a community with others who are likewise cultivating spiritual awareness on a continual basis.

This program is the foundation for success in Shamanic journeying and will be a pre-requisite for future workshops. Now, more than ever, is the time for spiritual growth, connection, and balance for yourself and the planet. Join me to cultivate spiritual awareness and make the world a better place. I encourage you to commit to live your life every day as a spiritual experience, constantly maintaining a connection to your inner self. All great things begin on the inside of you. Now is the time to unlock it.

You are the one you’ve been waiting for.

Are you looking for balance and harmony in your life?

Connect with me